Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Hi! My name is Mindy, and I'm a Control Freak. I've been "clean" for 3 days now...and it itches!

I'm a total control freak...very anal retentive. And in my defense, YOU have 5 get picked up from the hospital on Christmas Day with your brand new gorgeous 2 day old baby boys and look behind you in the minivan and see 5 kids in car seats, 4 kids (two years apart in age) in diapers...and tell me how you think you'd handle it! I bawled!! A.LOT! And then I decided I was given this, so it means I must control all of it...because I'm pretty sure? God was up there saying, hey this is going to be FUN, let's mess with her a little...
But truthfully, I was also this ridiculous long before. When I was a kid I would coordinate outfits for a week at a time. I've always been so detailed oriented. I can tell you things about people that I hardly know, which then makes me sound stalkerish and creepy, but I just key in and pay attention to little details that I notice.
So being a SAHM for all these years, it's been so easy to control EVERYTHING. And let's face it Adam fans....great as you think he is, he is TOTALLY ok with not having to do anything but go to work and come home to his true love, the couch.
But, I now drive back and forth to ISU everyday, take 17 college hours, have 3 boys in JFL, girls in basketball and who knows what else they will come up....and did I mention 17 college hours? So I CAN'T do it all. So I laid down the law, divided up chores and gave a campaign speech even Honest Abe would be proud of...and the kids ate it up. Emmi looked at me with adoring eyes, "we'd be so happy to help you, you do so much for us, we love you and are proud you are going back to school"...brown nosing? NO! She is just simply that sweet and loving in nature. The boys grunted...which I've learned means they are good with it! And Gabbi shared in Emmi's enthusiasm...but being 13, has more important social things on her mind...and then there is Adam. I'm giving him my control, and as unfair as it is, I EXPECT things to be done the way I would. And it simply is unattainable. He is smart and so highly successful at his job and a wonderful father...but he cannot mulitask, think in detail, and nor will he EVER make an attempt to do so. And that's ok?!?? with me...honestly, I think all men use this as a cop out. They know we WANT them to be as detailed as us, so they purposely act like they can' you don't think that's how it is? Ever listened in on an NFL Fantasy Football Draft?? I rest my case! The bottom line is the kids will all survive this, this is nothing, these details don't matter!!! Ya, probably not to you they don't, but to me.....YES they do!  So what if he didn't know when JFL pictures were, where the form that he knows Drew brought home is...who cares if I text him and say did everyones clothes match and he says-oh IDK, I didn't look at them...its all good...right?! no really, will it be?!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I gots nothing...

Hilarious....I decided after ALWAYS having so much to say and never a place or willing enough person to listen to all of it to start my own blog(cuz then who cares! No one can tell me to shut up and my theory is if I blogged out everything going on in my head that I'd sleep better) (or my other theory is that I'm a needy attention seeker)... and for the FIRST time in my life I have nothing to say!!! WHAT?? Don't panic and stop following the blog! I promise you pure entertainment....